Choose Stockfish Version

ChessVerse Club uses Stockfish 16 NNUE as the default engine.
It is configured with 2 threads and 64MB of hash by default.
You can change the default engine or configuration on this page.
The engine configurations are preselected.
If Stockfish 16 NNUE is too heavy for your PC or other device and its browser,
or if your devices do not support SIMD,
you can choose Stockfish 10.0.2 HCE WASM, a much lighter version of the engine.
Stockfish 10.0.2 HCE WASM uses classic evaluation and consumes less memory.

The WebAssembly (WASM) version of Stockfish is generally weaker than its native C++ counterpart. This is due to several factors:

  • Performance Overhead: While WebAssembly is efficient for web-based applications, it cannot match the performance of native C++ code. This results in slower calculations and reduced search depth during chess engine analysis.
  • Resource Limitations: WebAssembly runs within a web browser, which imposes limitations on memory and processing power compared to running a native application directly on the operating system.
  • Support for SIMD and Multithreading: Although WebAssembly has made progress in supporting SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) and multithreading, these features are not as fully optimized or widely supported as they are in native C++ applications.

Due to these factors, the WASM version of Stockfish generally has a lower playing strength compared to the full C++ version running on a native platform.

The difference in strength between the C++ and WASM versions of Stockfish could vary by approximately 100 Elo points, or even more, depending on specific conditions.

  • Performance: The C++ version of Stockfish is optimized for the hardware it runs on, making full use of computing power and processor features such as SIMD and multithreading. The WASM version, however, is limited by the browser environment and the overhead of WebAssembly, which can reduce its computational capability.
  • Calculation Speed: The speed at which the engine can compute and evaluate moves is significantly higher in the C++ version. On average, this results in a shallower search depth for the WASM version, negatively affecting the quality of the moves played.
  • Browser Support: The performance of the WASM version can vary depending on the browser and device used, with some browsers not fully supporting all available optimizations.

While a difference of around 100 Elo points is a reasonable estimate, the actual difference could be greater depending on the specific execution conditions.

Please note: if your browser does not support WASM, Stockfish 10 HCE Java will become the default engine.
Stockfish 10 HCE Java is a very slow and lightweight JavaScript version of the engine for very old devices with an Elo of about 2600/2800.

Please select your engine:
Please note: we currently cannot save your choice, so when you return, you will need to select your engine again. I suggest bookmarking the page with your chosen engine. This is because I use a directory with dedicated configurations for each engine and setting. I will fix this as soon as possible!